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Level switch FTE20

Point level switch
Soliswitch FTE20
Rotary paddle switch

Simple mechanical mechanism, extremely robust and cost-effective point level switch for bulk solids

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Özelliklere genel bakış

  • Process temperature

    -20 °C ... 80 °C (-4 °F ... 170 °F)

  • Process pressure / max. overpressure limit

    0.5 bar to 1.5 bar (7 psi ... 22 psi)

  • Min. density of medium

    >= 80 g/l

Uygulama alanı

The economical Soliswitch FTE20 is a paddle switch for point level detection in bulk materials. Its robust polymer housing and compact design makes it an ideal sensor for full, empty and demand alarm in applications with bulk solids. The optimized polymers make the unit outstandingly robust and therefore suitable for use in dust explosive areas according the latest standards.

  • Process connections: NPT 1½", PBT; NPT 1¼", PBT; G 1½", PBT; NPT 1½", 1.4305; NPT 1¼", 1.4305; G 1½", 1.4305

  • Sensor length: Different standard lengths between 100 mm (4") and 600 mm (24"), additional rope length of 2000 mm (80") (can be shortened)

  • Medium temperature: -20 to +80 °C (-4 to +170 °F)

  • Process pressure range (absolute): 0.5 to 2.5 bar (7 to 36 psi)

  • ATEX II 1/3 D, CSA DIP/ II, III/1/E-G, FM DIP/ II, III/1/E-G


  • Safety comes first - Overfill prevention with an automatic rotation monitoring system

  • Optical rotation control for a fast and easy check either for installation or for trouble shooting

  • Extremely robust polymer housing with the latest dust Ex certification for ATEX, FM and CSA

  • Cost savings over the whole life cycle:
    Fast order process due to E-direct
    Quick installation
    Fast trouble shooting concept without the need of demounting
    Best price performance ratio in the market

  • Adjustment to weight of solids without the need for tools

  • Housing can be rotated 360° to enable optimal alignment following installation.


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