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Pt100 temperature sensor - iTHERM CompactLine TM311

iTHERM CompactLine TM311
Compact thermometer

Metric/imperial RTD 4-20 mA/IO-Link compact thermometer for industrial and hygienic applications

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En çok indirilenler
    • Teknik Bilgiler (TI)

    iTHERM CompactLine TM311

    İngilizce versiyonu - 10/2022

    New version available in English

    Compact thermometer, Pt100, 4-wire connection, class A Optionally with integrated IO-Link and 4 to 20 mA transmitter, PC programmable

    • Hijyenik ekipman

    Product family: , Accessories: Pipe thermowell, Magphant, Process RTD hygienic, RTD thermometer

    İngilizce versiyonu - 01/2024

    New version available in English

    Product root: DTT35-, ODTT35-, OTM311-, OTMR35-, OTR35-, TE411-, TK40-, TM311-, TM371-, TM372-, TM401-, TM402-, TM411-, TM412-, TMR3 5-, TT411-, TT412-, TTR35- Region: USA Approval agency: 3-A Sanitary Standards Hygienic equipment: 3-A Sanitary Hygienic standard: 74-07

32 dokümanları
    • Teknik Bilgiler (TI)

    TI Weld-in adapter, process adapter and flanges

    • Teknik Bilgiler (TI)
    İngilizce versiyonu - 03/2024
    New version available in English

    Level, pressure and temperature measurement

    • Teknik Bilgiler (TI)

    iTHERM CompactLine TM311

    • Teknik Bilgiler (TI)
    İngilizce versiyonu - 10/2022
    New version available in English

    Compact thermometer, Pt100, 4-wire connection, class A
    Optionally with integrated IO-Link and 4 to 20 mA transmitter, PC

    • Kullanma Talimatı (BA)

    iTHERM CompactLine TM311

    • Kullanma Talimatı (BA)
    İngilizce versiyonu - 10/2022
    New version available in English

    Compact thermometer with IO-Link

    • Kısa Talimat (KA)

    iTHERM CompactLine TM311

    • Kısa Talimat (KA)
    Türkçe versiyonu - 06/2020
    New version available in English

    IO-Link içeren kompakt termometre

    • Özel Dokümantasyon (SD)

    Device viewer

    • Özel Dokümantasyon (SD)
    İngilizce versiyonu - 07/2021
    New version available in English

    Technical documentation in other languages

    • Özel Dokümantasyon (SD)

    SD Hygienic process connection types

    • Özel Dokümantasyon (SD)
    İngilizce versiyonu - 09/2023
    New version available in English

    Supplement to TM311, TM371, TM372, TM401, TM411, TM402, TM412, TT411,
    TT412, TE411, TK40, TMR35, DTT35, TTR35

    • PU (Yayın)

    iTHERM CompactLine TM311 Digital compact thermometer

    • PU (Yayın)
    İngilizce versiyonu - 08/2022
    New version available in English

    The iTHERM CompactLine TM311 digital compact thermometer
    with IO-Link is an easy to install, fit for purpose, IIoT
    ready temperature probe that fulfills the design and performance
    requirements for the life sciences, food & beverage
    and general process industries.

    • PU (Yayın)

    iTHERM CompactLine TM311 Digitales Kompaktthermometer

    • PU (Yayın)
    Türkçe versiyonu - 09/2022
    New version available in English

    Kompakt, universell einsetzbar und digital
    Das digitale Kompaktthermometer iTHERM CompactLine TM311
    mit IO-Link ist ein einfach zu installierendes, zweckmäßiges und
    IIoT-fähiges Thermometer, das die Design- und Leistungsanforderungen
    der Life-Sciences-, Lebensmittel- & Getränke- sowie der
    allgemeinen Prozessindustrie erfüllt.

    • PU (Yayın)

    Misura della temperatura e componenti di sistema per i settori alimentare e farmaceutico.

    • PU (Yayın)
    İtalyanca versiyonu - 01/2020
    New version available in English

    Misura della temperatura e componenti di sistema per i settori
    alimentare e
    La nuova frontiera dell'igiene: un'offerta complete per applicazioni
    igieniche e asettiche

    • Yetkinlik Broşürü (CP)

    Das ideale Gerät für jede Branche

    • Yetkinlik Broşürü (CP)
    Türkçe versiyonu - 01/2024
    New version available in English

    Temperatur- und Systemprodukte von Endress+Hauser