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Picture of Electromagnetic flowmeter Proline Promag W 400 / 5W4C for the water & wastewater industry

Proline Promag W 400
electromagnetic flowmeter

Versatile standard flowmeter for the water and wastewater industry

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Özelliklere genel bakış

  • Max. measurement error

    Volume flow (standard): ±0.5 % o.r. ± 1 mm/s (0.04 in/s)
    Volume flow (option): ±0.2 % o.r. ± 2 mm/s (0.08 in/s), Flat Spec

  • Measuring range

    0.5 m3/h to 263000 m3/h (2.5gal/min to 1665 Mgal/d)

  • Medium temperature range

    Liner material hard rubber: 0 to +80 °C (+32 to +176 °F)
    Liner material polyurethane: –20 to +50 °C (–4 to +122 °F)
    Liner material PTFE: –20 to +90 °C (–4 to +194 °F)

  • Max. process pressure

    PN 40, Class 300, 20K

  • Wetted materials

    Liner material hard rubber: 0 to +80 °C (+32 to +176 °F)
    Liner material polyurethane: –20 to +50 °C (–4 to +122 °F)
    Liner material PTFE: –20 to +90 °C (–4 to +194 °F)
    Electrodes: 1.4435 (316L); Alloy C22, 2.4602 (UNS N06022); Tantalum

Uygulama alanı

With its international approvals for custody transfer as well as drinking water, Promag W serves the broadest variety of applications. It is available as both compact or remote version. Promag W 400 saves time and costs thanks to the broad functionality of its transmitter optimized for Water & Wastewater. In addition, Heartbeat Technology enables measurement reliability and compliant verification.

  • The bidirectional measuring principle is virtually independent of pressure, density, temperature and viscosity

  • Ideal for water measurement , e.g. drinking water, utility water and industrial/municipal wastewater

Device properties

  • International drinking water approvals

  • Degree of protection IP68 (Type 6P enclosure)

  • Approved for custody transfer to MI-001/OIML R49

  • Transmitter housing made of durable polycarbonate or aluminium

  • WLAN access

  • Integrated data logger: measured values monitoring


  • Reliable measurement at constant accuracy with 0 x DN inlet run and no pressure loss

  • Flexible engineering – sensor with fixed or lap-joint process connections

  • Application fitness – EN ISO 12944 corrosion protection for underground or underwater installation

  • Improved plant availability – sensor compliant with industry-specific requirements

  • Safe operation – no need to open the device

  • Time-saving local operation without additional software and hardware – integrated web server

  • Integrated verification and build-up detection – Heartbeat Technology


  • Heartbeat Technology
    Heartbeat Technology ile akıllı enstrümantasyon

    Tesisinizin kullanılabilirliğini artırmak ve maliyetleri azaltmak mı istiyorsunuz? Heartbeat Technology proses kesintileri olmadan uygun maliyetli ve güvenli tesis çalışmasını garanti eder.

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