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Highest measuring accuracy when discharging bitumen

Grisard Bitumen AG relies on Coriolis flowmeter Promass Q with unique 4-tube technology

To attain the highest degree of measuring accuracy when unloading viscous standard bitumen from ships and boiler trucks, Grisard Bitumen AG at the Auhafen Muttenz port near Basel, Switzerland, relies on Proline Promass Q 300. The Coriolis measuring device is now available up to DN 250 (10") and provides a massive boost to the cost efficiency of the delivery process.

Watch the full story in this video

Illustration of the unloading of bitumen at Grisard Bitumen ©Endress+Hauser

Bitumen unloading process with Promass Q 300 at the customer site

The result

  • Excellent measuring accuracy for fiscal metering

  • Reduced pressure loss thanks to revolutionary 4-tube measuring technology leads to cost-efficient unloading operations

  • Up to 25% higher flow rate in the same amount of time (for DN 150 to 250, 6 to 10")

CEO of Grisard Bitumen

"Promass Q from Endress+Hauser impresses with excellent measurement results, high freedom from maintenance and process reliability despite the highly viscous bitumen."

Roger Fierz, Managing Director
Grisard Bitumen AG

The challenge

The standard bitumens, which are delivered by ship or rail, are discharged at the terminal and pumped into three storage tanks via heated pipelines at +160 °C (320 °F). For billing purposes with the supplier, it is critical for the results at the unloading measuring point to be as exact as possible in order to reconcile these with the verification measurement.

Our solution

After Grisard Bitumen AG had already switched to Promass Q 500 DN 80 (3") at the loading station and had an excellent experience, the company took the opportunity provided by the construction of a new line to optimize its processes. Once again, Grisard Bitumen AG decided in favor of Promass Q, which is also available with the revolutionary 4-tube technology.

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