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CCS120 - Analog total chlorine sensor for water and wastewater applications

Analog total chlorine sensor

Disinfection sensor for all water and wastewater applications

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from CHF ??.-

Özelliklere genel bakış

  • Measuring range

    0,1 - 10ppm total chlorine; pH 6,5 - 9,5

  • Process temperature

    5°C - 45°C

  • Process pressure

    0bar - 3bar

Uygulama alanı

CCS120 is the analog sensor for standard measurement of total chlorine. It delivers reliable values even if fluctuations in flow or conductivity occur and allows control of the disinfection loop so that the water is free of germs. At the same time, the sensor is designed for long calibration and service intervals reducing your maintenance effort.

CCS120 measures total chlorine in:

  • Drinking and process water
    - Process and distribution networks
    - Monitoring, control and optimization of disinfection processes

  • Wastewater treatment plants
    - Disinfection monitoring and control in wastewater outlet
    - Reuse of outlet water

  • Utilities of all industries
    - All disinfection measuring points


  • Recalibration intervals approx. 1 to 3 months under constant operating conditions

  • Easy membrane replacement thanks to prefabricated membrane cap

  • Measured values are not affected by conductivity fluctuation

  • Measurement virtually independent of flow rate in the range above 30 l/h

  • Basit ürünler

  • Seçmesi, kurması ve çalıştırması kolay

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  • Standart ürünler

  • Güvenilir, sağlam ve az bakım gerektiren

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  • Üst düzey ürünler

  • Son derece fonksiyonel ve uygun

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  • Özelleştirilmiş ürünler

  • Zorlu uygulamalar için tasarlanmış

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