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Product picture steam calculator RS33

EngyCal RS33 steam calculator

Steam calculator for one measuring point with one pulse/analog input for flow and two RTD/analog inputs for temperature/pressure

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Özelliklere genel bakış

  • Input

    1x Puls/Analog for flow
    2x RTD/Analog for temperature and pressure
    Loop power supply 24V DC (+/-16%)

  • Output

    1x 4...20mA
    2x digital (Open Collector)

  • Display

    160 x 80 Dot-Matrix LCD with white backlit
    colour change in case of alarm event
    active display area 70 x 34 mm

  • Calculations


Uygulama alanı

The steam calculator EngyCal RS33 is used to record steam mass and energy flow of saturated and superheated steam. The calculation is based on the measured process variables volume flow, temperature and/or pressure.
The EngyCal RS33 uses the standard IAPWS IF97 to calculate the mass and energy flow of steam. The density and enthalpy of the steam are calculated from the input variables pressure and temperature.

Recording and billing energy quantities in steam applications (steam heat quantity, steam heat differential). Typical applications include:

  • Food industry

  • Chemical industry

  • Pharmaceutical industry

  • Power plants

  • Building systems and plant engineering


  • Compensation of differential pressure flow measurement

  • Calculation according to international water steam tables

  • Electronic matching of the temperature sensor (sensor-transmitter matching) with the arithmetic unit enables highly accurate temperature measurement

  • Detailed data logging of current and counter values and of error messages, off-limit conditions and changes to operating parameters

  • Standard models are suitable for connecting and supplying all common flow transmitters, temperature sensors and pressure sensors

  • Remote readout via Ethernet and fieldbuses

  • Deficit counter for transparency in case of error or alarm


Lean seçim

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  • Güvenilir, sağlam ve az bakım gerektiren

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  • Standart ürünler

  • Güvenilir, sağlam ve az bakım gerektiren

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