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Source Container FQG62 - Radiometric measurement

Level/density measurement
Source Container FQG62

Radiation source container with source holder for manual or pneumatic switch-on/switch-off

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Özelliklere genel bakış

  • Process temperature


  • Process pressure / max. overpressure limit


  • Main wetted parts


Uygulama alanı

The FQG62 source container is designed to hold the radioactive source during radiometric point level detection, continuous level and density measurement. The radiation is emitted almost unattenuated in one direction only, and is damped in all other directions. This guarantees highest safety for the personnel and a reliable measurement.

Designed to hold the radioactive source during radiometric point level detection, continuous level measurement and density measurement. Radiation is emitted almost unattenuated in one direction only, and is damped in all other directions.

  • Activity: 137Cs to 111GBq (3000mCi), 60Co to 3.7GBq (100mCi)

  • Temperature: No limitation (non-invasive, extraneous)

  • Pressure: No limitation (non-invasive, extraneous)


  • High safety level thanks to highest classification for the source supplied (DIN 25426/ISO 2919, typically classification C66646) and safe and easy source replacement

  • Reliable measurement due to lightweight container and almost spherical design which provides optimized screening

  • Compact, easy-to-mount device with the possibility of various angles of emission for optimum adaptation to the application

  • Manual or pneumatic switching on/off and padlock, cylinder lock or locking bolt for fixing the switching position

  • Switch status easily identified


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