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Product picture protection tube TA414

Welded thermowell

Metric thermowell with clamp screw for simple industrial applications

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from CHF ??.-

Özelliklere genel bakış

  • Max. process pressure (static)

    50 bar (725 psi)

  • Maximum standard immersion length

    4.000 mm (157,48")

  • Max. immersion length on request

    10.000 mm (393,7")

Uygulama alanı

The protection tube is used to match RTD thermometers, such as TST414 from Endress+Hauser, to protect the insert from chemical corrosion. It has a locking screw to fasten the thermometer in place and allows an easy replacement of the thermometer. Due to the reduced wall thickness, it is suggested to use it in processes with slow or medium process flow velocity.

TA414 is used to match RTD thermometers, as TST414, to protect the probe from chemical corrosion. The locking screw fastens the thermometer in place and allows an easy replacement of the thermometer.

Due to the reduced wall thickness, it is suggested to use TA414 in processes where no strong flow is present.


  • TA414 is used to match RTD thermometers, as TST414, to protect the probe from chemical corrosion

  • The locking screw fastens the thermometer in place and allows an easy replacement of the thermometer

  • Due to the reduced wall thickness, it is suggested to use TA414 in processes where no strong flow is present

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