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Micropilot FMR43 – product picture

Micropilot FMR43 – radar sensor for hygienic processes

High performance sensor, especially compact and the perfect fit for fast changing level applications

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Özelliklere genel bakış

  • Accuracy

    +/-1 mm (0.04 in)

  • Process temperature

    -40 to +150 °C
    (-40 to +302 °F)

  • Process pressure / max. overpressure limit

    -1 to +20 bar
    (-14.5 to +290 psi)

  • Max. measurement distance

    15 m (49 ft)

  • Main wetted parts

    316L (for threaded connections)

Uygulama alanı

The Micropilot FMR43 is a free space radar sensor for continuous non-contact level measurement and part of the Compact Line. The product line is especially developed for hygienic applications and combines a compact design with full performance. The device ensures reliable measurement even under rapidly changing or turbulent process conditions. In addition to the proven 80 GHz technology, a 180 GHz frequency option ensures the use even in particularly small process tanks.

Micropilot FMR43 is for free space applications up to 15 m (49 ft) and offers an additional 180 GHz sensor option for small vessels.

The Micropilot FMR43 is suitable for a wide range of hygienic applications:

  • Mixing applications of viscous and low conductive media

  • Filling applications of viscous media

  • Storage of low conductive fluids

  • Level measurement in tanks with changing media density


  • Outstanding ease of use due to easy setup and operation with guided wizards

  • Improved process and product safety through configuration integrity - a checksum algorithm (CRC) ensures that safety relevant parameters remain unchanged

  • Increased productivity thanks to traceable and documented on-demand verification including the radar's accuracy without process interruption with Heartbeat Technology

  • Documented compliance through certified hygienic design as well as proven material conformity and traceability

  • Flexibility in scale - installation in tight space conditions thanks to compact sensor design and small process connections as well as use in large tanks and silos


  • Heartbeat Technology
    Heartbeat Technology ile akıllı enstrümantasyon

    Tesisinizin kullanılabilirliğini artırmak ve maliyetleri azaltmak mı istiyorsunuz? Heartbeat Technology proses kesintileri olmadan uygun maliyetli ve güvenli tesis çalışmasını garanti eder.

  • IO-Link digital communication technology
    IO-Link communication

    IO-Link communication helps to digitalize your plant

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